As a confirmed shoe-aholic, I can't tell you to get rid of an old pair each time you buy a new pair, no matter what the evil closet organizers advise. You never know when that old bump toe pump will come back in style. One of my younger sisters, Carole, sings part-time in a retro 80's band ( and she has the choice of several pairs of authentic 80's era shoes to wear with her costumes, thanks to her careful hoarding of every piece of clothing she has ever owned.
Not that I do that myself. I have changed clothing and shoe size so many times in the last decade that I wouldn't have room for everything I've ever owned. But Carole has closets galore.
Our other sis, Mari, is more circumspect about shoes; comfort is key with her, but she still has a style all her own, that she wears with true fierceness. I think she owns two pair. Probably identical. But they get her where she's going. She's not a shoe freak, she's into artistic makeup. Check out her blog:
So this proves that not all women care deeply about shoes. But I do. Below, a few from my collection:
See how they all get along so well? Unlike kids, who argue about everything.
So, we tend to have big feet in my family. Sizes 9&1/2, 10, 11....perhaps that's why shoes are so important. When you're saddled with horse hooves, saddle shoes don't cut it. We always feel the need to prettify what we find unattractive; therefore, big feet deserve the distraction of gorgeous footwear. Good! I think I'm on my way to solving the riddle.
Then there are the clothes we need to complement with appropriate shoes. For instance, a very plain ensemble could stand a punch of color or style. Jewelry is too small a gesture. Try a knockout pair of shoes! Or juxtapose a pair of funky boots with a flowy dress for an edge. And this brings me to point number 2 - shoes can change your life! Think of it: you're walking along and someone notices your shoes. They complement you, yay! You feel good about yourself that day; smart, attractive, confident, a style maven.
Then again, shoes can be your excuse to splurge on yourself. Every woman has some aspect of her life where she takes just a little bit better care of herself than on other fronts. For some it's skin care products, for others hair care. If you don't treat yourself well with something, then what are you doing all the hard work of living for? Shoes are your very foundation, so why not buy the best you can afford for your dear little feet?
I`m addicted to shoes! great blog!xx
Thanks Alina - you're an anghel!